411 Seniors Centre
- Address: 704 – 333 Terminal Ave, Vancouver, BC, V6A 4C1
- Tel: 604-684-8171
- Email: contact411@411seniors.bc.ca
- Web: www.411seniors.bc.ca
To give older adults voice and provide access to information, activities and sustainable services in a culturally sensitive environment that enhances the quality of their lives, and to expand our reach through collaboration and partnerships with like-minded organizations.
Al Mattison Retired Citizens Lounge
- Address: 1661 Napier Street, Vancouver, BC, V5L 4X4
- Tel: 604-718-5837
- Fax: 604-718-5858
A drop-in centre for people 55 years and older. Provides a lounge and a variety of recreational and educational seniors’ programs. Hot lunch provided at 12 noon Mondays and Thursdays.
Alzheimer Society of Canada
- Address: #300 – 828 West 8th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E2
- Toll-free: 1-800-667-3742
- Tel: 604-681-6530
- Fax: 604-669-6907
- Email: info@alzheimerbc.org
- Web: www.alzheimerbc.org
The Alzheimer Society is Canada’s leading nationwide health organization for people affected by Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. The Society is a principal funder of Alzheimer research and training; provides enhanced care and support to people with the disease, their families and their caregivers; and is a prominent voice within all levels of government.
The Arthritis Society
- Address: #200 – 1645 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. V6J 1S4
- Tel: 604-714-5550
- Toll-free: 1-866-414-7766
- Fax: 604-714-5555
- Email: info@bc.arthritis.ca
- Web: www.arthritis.ca
The Arthritis Society is the only not-for-profit organization in Canada uniquely devoted to promoting and funding arthritis research based solutions, education, as well as community support for Canadians living with arthritis. Founded in 1948, with thousands of volunteers over the years, The Arthritis Society continues to have an outstanding reputation in the community and a successful track record of results
Association of Advocates for Care Reform (ACR)
- Address: 3348 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V6R 2B2
- Tel: 604-732-7734
- Fax: 604 732 7734
- Email: info@acrbc.ca
- Web: www.acrbc.ca
Group of concerned citizens dedicated to improving the quality of care and the quality of life for residents of long-term care facilities in British Columbia. Provides education, advocacy, and support for residents and their families. Establishes and supports family councils in care facilities. Participates in government consultation and review processes wherever possible. Distributes copies of ‘Alone in a Crowd? Social Isolation of Seniors in Care Facilities’, a research-based publication containing first-hand accounts of life in care facilities.
Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver
- Address: #203-3102 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, V5T 3G7
- Tel: 604-875-9111
- Fax: 604-875-1256
- Email: central@anhbc.org
- Web: www.anhbc.org
Provides supportive services and programs for children, youth, families, and seniors. These include licensed preschool and after-school programs for children, job training for youth, day program for teens, social programs and individual support for families, parenting programs, adult daycare, employment programs, settlement programs, information and referral, meal programs, and community celebrations. Services for seniors include peer support, friendly visiting, walking club, and telephone support program. Programs for families include Nobody’s Perfect (see independent listing for East Vancouver Nobody’s Perfect Project); and Parent Support Circles, self-help groups for parents of children ages 12 and under, offered in partnership with BC Parents in Crisis Society.
B.C. Seniors Medication Information Line (BC SMILE)
- Address: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of B.C., 2146 East Mall, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z3
- Toll-free: 1-800-668-6233
- Tel: 604-822-1330;
- Fax: 604-822-3035
- Contact person: H. Watson, Coordinator
Hours and Days of Operation: Monday – Friday, 10 am – 4 pm (excluding statutory holidays)
B.C. SMILE is a free telephone hotline staffed by licensed pharmacists to assist seniors, their families and caregivers with information about medications when it is not possible to consult the community pharmacist
- Dial: 2-1-1
BC211 is a Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information and referral regarding community, government and social services in BC. Our help line services include 211, the Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service (ADIRS), the Problem Gambling Help Line, VictimLink BC, and the Youth Against Violence Line.
Barclay Manor Seniors Centre
- Address: 1447 Barclay Street, Vancouver, BC, V6G 1J6
- Tel: 604-257-8333
- Fax: 604-257-8338
- Email: westendcc@vancouver.ca
- Web: www.westendcc.ca/
The West End Seniors’ Network (WESN) offers programs and events for adults 55+ at Barclay Manor, 1447 Barclay St.. Membership is required to participate after your first visit. Our activities change from month to month, for current and accurate details, pick up our monthly newsletter or visit WESN.ca.
BC Old Age Pensioners' Organization
- Address: 4071 204B Street, Langley, BC, V3A 1Z7
- Tel: 604-858-0044
- Email: vickida@shaw.ca
Aims to promote the best interests of elder citizens of BC, in all matters pertaining to their welfare. Branches throughout the province host social, health, and wellness activities, as well as business meetings on matters of interest to seniors.
Canadian Diabetes Association
- Address: 360-1385 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6H 3V9
- Tel: 604-732-1331
- Toll-free: 1-800-665-6526
- Email: info@diabetes.ca
- Web: www.diabetes.ca
Canadian Diabetes Association: “Across the country, the Canadian Diabetes Association is leading the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while we work to find a cure. We are supported in our efforts by a community-based network of volunteers, employees, healthcare professionals, researchers and partners. By providing education and services, advocating on behalf of people with diabetes, supporting research and translating research into practical applications – we are delivering on our mission.”
Canadian Mental Health Association
- Address: 110-2425 Quebec St, Vancouver, BC V5T 4L6
- Tel: 604-872-4902
- Fax: (604) 872-5934
- Email: info.vb@cmha.bc.ca
- Web: www.cmha.ca
As a nation-wide, voluntary organization, the Canadian Mental Health Association promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness. The CMHA accomplishes this mission through advocacy, education, research and service.
Carnegie Community Centre
- Address: 401 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, V6A 2T7
- Tel: 604-665-2220
- Fax: 604-606-2736
- Website: www.vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/carnegie-centre-programs.aspx
Serves disadvantaged residents of the Downtown Eastside and neighbouring communities. Has a low-cost cafeteria, library, learning centre, theatre, gym, weight room, pool room, and seniors lounge. Programs and services include community education, with a focus on literacy; volunteer opportunities; First Nations cultural sharing; HIV and hepatitis support groups; activities for seniors; and various recreational programs. Programs and services are also offered at Oppenheimer Park and through the Carnegie Street Program. Centre hours are 9 am to 11 pm daily.
City of Vancouver
- Address: 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4, Canada
- Tel: 3-1-1; 604-873-7000 (outside of Vancouver)
- Email: info@vancouver.ca
- Web: www.vancouver.ca
Bordered by the Coast Mountain Range and the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is recognized as one of the world’s most liveable cities with one of the smallest carbon footprints of any major city in North America. The City of Vancouver is renowned for its innovative programs in the areas of sustainability, accessibility and inclusivity. In February 2009, Mayor Gregor Robertson launched the Greenest City initiative with a goal to map out how we can earn the title of becoming the greenest city by 2020.
Collingwood Neighbourhood House
- Address: 5288 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC, V5R 6C9
- Tel: 604-435-0323
- Fax: 604-451-1191
- Email: jshen@cnh.bc.ca
- Web: www.cnh.bc.ca
Offers educational, cultural, recreational, and social programs for people in the Collingwood/Renfrew area. Operates licensed child care programs, a Family Place (providing activities for preschoolers while allowing parents/caregivers to relax and socialize), day camps, ESL classes for adults (child care provided for some classes), seniors information, fitness and social programs, family support programs, Chinese and Spanish settlement workers, and community information in various languages.
Downtown Eastside/Continental Seniors Centre (Vancouver Second Mile Society)
- Address: 509 East Hastings St., Vancouver, BC, V6A 1P9 (The Continental Seniors Centre is located at 1067 Seymour St on the third floor.)
- Tel: 604-254-2194
- Fax: 604-254-2150
- Email: lisah@vsms.ca
- Website: www.vsms.ca/programs/seniorscentre
The Continental Seniors Centre is a drop-in centre that caters to seniors or people over 45 years of age with a disability.
The Continental Seniors Centre has a large and bright “living room” environment attached to a partial wraparound large patio that offers a park like atmosphere. Located at 1067 Seymour St, Vancouver, on the third floor, it provides a safe place for marginalized seniors in the south downtown core to drop into for social, emotional, and practical support in the form of information and affiliation with other programs, like the Neighbourhood Helpers. The centre is open 8 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday and until 2 pm on Saturday.
Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House
- Address: 2131 Renfrew Street (at 5th avenue), Vancouver BC, V5M 4M5
- Tel: 604-251-1225
- Fax: 604-254-3764
- Email: lisah@vsms.ca
- Website: www.froghollow.bc.ca/
Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House plays a leadership role in creating our community together by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change.
GPEP (GeroPsychiatric Education Programs)
- Address: 2nd. Floor, 520 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4H5
- Tel: 604-708-5224
- Fax: 604-874-7661
- Email: gpep@vch.ca
- Web: www.geropsychiatriceducation.vch.ca
The Geropsychiatric Education Program is an education program focused on the geriatric and psychiatric needs of older adults in residential care. GPEP is part of Vancouver Community Mental Health Services and works in partnership with the Vancouver Residential Practice Team within Vancouver Coastal Health, in British Columbia, Canada.
Hastings Community Centre
- Address: 3096 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, V5K 2A3
- Tel: 604-718-6222
- Fax: 604-718-6226
- Email: hastings.communitycentre@vancouver.ca
- Web: www.hastingscc.ca/
Incorporated as a non-profit society in 1935, the Hastings Community Association (HCA) works in partnership with the Vancouver Park Board to provide recreation, social, educational and cultural opportunities in the Hastings- Sunrise area. The HCA provides subsidies for low income users and emergency financial support to community programs. Through its activities and committees, the Association ensures that the community is represented at the Centre, Templeton Park Pool and in local planning & development issues such as the redevelopment of Hastings Park. The HCA has about 100 volunteers, and members of the public are encouraged to be involved.
Italian Cultural Centre of Vancouver
- Address: 3075 Slocan Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 3E4
- Tel: 604-430-3337
- Fax: 604-430-3331
- Web: www.italianculturalcentre.ca
The Vancouver Italian Cultural Centre (ICC) is Western Canada’s largest complex built to celebrate of all aspects of the Italian culture. Founded in 1977, built by community volunteers and welcoming Italians and non-Italians alike, the ICC offers language programs, an Italian heritage museum, a library and resource centre, cooking classes, wine tastings, banquet and dance evenings, covered manicured bocce courts, Italian film screenings and other cultural events as well as a renowned catering department with a recently renovated (2006) Grand Ballroom with its state-of-the-art kitchen.
Japanese Community Volunteers' Association
- Address: 101-42 W.8th Ave, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V5Y 1M7
- Tel: 604-687-2172
- Fax: 604-687-2168
- Email: info@tonarigumi.ca
- Web: www.tonarigumi.ca/
Provides information and referral, direct bilingual counselling, and interpretation and translation in the areas of family, health care, crisis intervention, legal interpretation, immigration settlement, employment advice, and housing aid. Also provides drop-in and outreach programs for seniors, including homebound seniors’ activities; telephone, home, facility, and hospital visitation; meal programs; and fitness, recreational, and educational activities. Staff and volunteers provide culturally-sensitive services in Japanese and English.
Kitsilano Neighbourhood House
- Address: 2305 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6K 1Y4
- Tel: (604) 736-3588
- Fax: (604) 736-3640
- Email: frontdesk@kitshouse.org
- Web: www.KitsHouse.org
Kitsilano Neighbourhood House (‘Kits House’), member of the Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC, is a registered non-profit, charity organization dedicated to meeting the needs of those most vulnerable as well as providing an opportunity for everybody in our community to get together and be engaged. We offer many different programs like volunteer-led English Conversation Circles, weekly hot lunches for seniors, childcare and much more. Kitsilano Neighbourhood House is the only Neighbourhood House on the Westside and serves many different communities like Kitsilano, Dunbar, Arbutus Ridge and Point Grey.
Kitsilano Community Centre
- Address: 2690 Larch Street, Vancouver, BC, V6K 4K9
- Tel: 604-257-6976
- Fax: 604-257-6996
- Email: kitscc@vancouver.ca
- Website: www.kitscc.com/
The Kitsilano Community Centre is an inclusive, service oriented community organization, which strives to provide innovative, creative, quality services that have a positive impact on our community
Facilities include a dance studio, fitness centre, sauna, whirlpool, gymnasium, ice rink, seniors centre, and playground.
Legal Support (Access Pro Bono)
- Address: 300 – 845 Cambie Street, Vancouver BC, Canada V6B 4Z9
- Tel: 604-878-7400
- Toll-free: 1-877-762-6664
- Email: appointments@accessprobono.ca
To promote access to justice in British Columbia by providing and fostering quality pro bono legal services for people and non-profit organizations of limited means.
We offer several programs serving the critical legal needs of BC’s individuals and non-profit organizations of limited means, ranging from summary legal advice clinics to full legal representation services.
- Address: 5575 Boundary Road, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V5R 2P9
- Tel: 604-254-9626
- Email: info@mosaicbc.org
- Website: www.mosaicbc.org/
To promote access to justice in British Columbia by providing and fostering quality pro bono legal services for people and non-profit organizations of limited means.
We offer several programs serving the critical legal needs of BC’s individuals and non-profit organizations of limited means, ranging from summary legal advice clinics to full legal representation services.
Multicultural Helping House Society
- Address: 4802 Fraser Street, Vancouver, V5V 4H4, British Columbia, Canada
- Tel: 604-879-3277
- Fax: 604-879-3327
- Email: info@helpinghouse.org
- Web: www.helpinghouse.ca
The Multicultural Helping House Society – Newcomers Resource Center (MHHS – NRC) is a registered non-profit society and charitable organization dedicated to servicing the needs of new comers to Canada. In its 15-year history, the MHHS-NRC has provided assistance to thousands of new immigrants in addressing their needs from settlement, employment, social services, skills enhancement, respite housing, legal assistance, and education services.
Oakridge Seniors Centre
- Address: 513-650 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2M9
- Tel: 604 263-1833
- Fax: 604 263-1883
- Email: coordinatoroakridgeseniors@gmail.com
- Web: www.oakridgeseniors.com
The Oakridge Seniors’ Centre (OSC) is a drop-in centre for seniors 55 years and older. We are a nonprofit organization operated by the Oakridge Seniors’ Society, and are separate and independent from the Vancouver Parks Board and all other community centres in Vancouver.
Osteoporosis Society of Canada
- Address: Osteoporosis Canada, 1090 Don Mills Road, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3R6
- Tel: 416-696-2663
- Toll-free: 1-800-463-6842
- Fax: 416-696-2673
- Web: www.osteoporosis.ca/
Osteoporosis Canada, a registered charity, is the only national organization serving people who have, or are at risk for, osteoporosis. The organization works to educate, empower and support individuals and communities in the risk-reduction and treatment of osteoporosis.
Find out more about osteoporosis here: www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-topics/hw131419
Parkinson Society British Columbia
- Address: 600 – 890 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC Canada, V6C 1J9
- Tel: 604-662-3240
- Toll-free: 1-800-668-3330
- Fax: 604-687-1327
- Web: www.parkinson.bc.ca/
Established in 1969, Parkinson Society British Columbia, governed by a voluntary Board of Directors, receives no government funding and is supported entirely by donations from individuals, members, corporations, foundations and the dedicated efforts of volunteers.
Every person touched by Parkinson’s deserves to know that they are not alone in their journey. We are here for you. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is committed to offering support, sharing reliable information and raising funds for programs and research.
We are part of a strong community united in our dedication to improve the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s.
PharmaCare for BC Residents
- Tel: 604-683-7151
- Toll-free: 1-800-663-7100
- Web: www.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/health-drug-coverage/pharmacare-for-bc-residents
B.C. PharmaCare helps eligible B.C. residents with the cost of some prescription drugs and medical supplies. Once you are eligible for PharmaCare coverage, any portion of your prescription cost payable by PharmaCare is calculated automatically at the time of purchase. You pay the pharmacy only for the costs not covered by PharmaCare.
Ray-Cam Cooperative Centre
- Address: 920 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, V6A 3T1
- Tel: 604-257-6949
- Fax: 604-257-6944
- Web: www.raycam.org
Offers programs for people of all ages. Youth programs provide recreation, leadership opportunities, and other special events and activities for teens; programs are also provided for pre-teens ages 10 to 12. Adult activities include various recreation, art, computer, and photography programs. Cultural support groups include Muslim, Fijian, Spanish, and Asian groups. Seniors programs offer outings, the services of a foot doctor, and Chinese newspaper reading and discussion.
Renfrew Park Community Centre
- Address: 2929 East 22nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5M 2Y3
- Tel: 604-257-8388
- Fax: 604-257-8392
- Web: www.renfrewcc.com/
We offer an exciting variety of recreational activities for people of all ages!
Whether you are interested in sports, arts, fitness, health and wellness, or personal development, we have got something for you. Please have a look at our Summer 2018 brochure for a full listing of programs. For Spring 2018 programs, please view our brochure here. Plan your visit and view our hours of operation.
Hillcrest Community Centre
- Address: 4575 Clancy Loranger Way, Vancouver, BC V5Y 2M4
- Tel: 604-257-8680
- Fax: 604-257-8639
- Web: www.vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/hillcrest-centre
Facilities include a dance studio, fitness centre, gymnasium, ice rink, sauna, whirlpool, pottery studio, seniors centre, playground, and the indoor Percy Norman Pool. To parents and children, provides information, support, social contact, drop-in activities (Parent’s Place on Tuesday mornings, and family drop-in gym on Sunday mornings), and a lending library. Child care and recreation facilities are available. Subsidies can be arranged: www.vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/leisure-access-card
Seniors Abuse Information Line
- Tel: 604-437-1940
- Toll-free: 1-866-437-1940
- Web: www.seniorsfirstbc.ca/programs/sail/
The Seniors Abuse and Information Line (SAIL) is a toll-free telephone line which is staffed 7 days a week (excluding holidays), 8am to 8pm.
SAIL is a safe place for older adults, and those who care about them, to talk to someone about situations where they feel they are being abused or mistreated, or to receive information about elder abuse prevention.
The staff and volunteers who answer SAIL are trained to provide a listening, non-judgmental and supportive ear. They will refer callers with a legal question or problem to our legal staff. Callers who are age 50+ and are victims of abuse or family and sexual violence, and who need practical and emotional support may be referred to our Victim Services Program which also provides information, support and referrals to services in the community.
Senior Citizens Association of BC
- Email: news@seniorsofbc.com
- Web: www.seniorsofbc.com/
The purposes of The Seniors Citizens Association Of British Columbia are as follows:
(a) To stimulate public interest in the welfare of the Senior Citizens of Canada. To advocate for pensions and a social security entitlement that provide the means to ensure housing and living conditions that meet the seniors’ needs for comfort and security.
(b) To protect the rights and interest of pensioners under the Old Age Security and Assistance Acts.
(c) To co-operate with pensioners’ organizations in British Columbia and other Provinces of Canada and with other individuals and groups for the purpose of promoting the pensioner movement.
(d) To operate a charitable institution (without profit to its members) for the purpose of constructing, providing, maintaining, leasing, owning and managing one or more housing projects, and any other facilities which may seem conducive to the attainment of the purposes of the Society.
nswer SAIL are trained to provide a listening, non-judgmental and supportive ear. They will refer callers with a legal question or problem to our legal staff. Callers who are age 50+ and are victims of abuse or family and sexual violence, and who need practical and emotional support may be referred to our Victim Services Program which also provides information, support and referrals to services in the community.
Seniors First BC
- Address: #150-900 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2M4
- Email: info@seniorsfirstbc.ca
- Web: www.seniorsfirstbc.ca/
We are committed to:
- Protecting the legal rights of older adults;
- Increasing access to justice for older adults;
- Informing the public about elder abuse; and
- Providing supportive programs for older adults who have been abused.
The people behind the organization:
Our membership is made up of agencies and individuals. We have more than 100 members throughout British Columbia. We are governed by a board of directors and day to day operations are carried out by capable staff and volunteers.
We rely on community members and experts to keep us informed about community needs and to advise us on how to keep our services as accessible as possible. Seniors First BC works to prevent elder abuse and to provide assistance and support to older adults that are, or may be, abused and those whose rights have been violated.
Seniors Well Aware Program
- Address: 212-309 West Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 1E5
- Tel: 604-662-SWAP (7927)
- Fax: 604-662-7920
- Email: swap@vrhb.bc.ca
Offers weekly support groups for people 55 years or older who are living at home or in care facilities and experiencing problems due to their own or a significant other’s misuse of alcohol, prescribed drugs, or over-the-counter medications. Also provides community awareness and education sessions to seniors groups and health care professionals. Office hours are 8:30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.
Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER), BC Housing
- Tel: 604-433-2218
- Toll-free: 1-800-257-7756
- Web: www.bchousing.org/programs/SAFER
The Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) program helps make rents affordable for BC seniors with low to moderate incomes. SAFER provides monthly cash payments to subsidize rents for eligible BC residents who are age 60 or over and who pay rent for their homes.
BC Housing provides SAFER subsidies to more than 17,000 senior households renting apartments in the private market, including singles, couples and people sharing a unit.
Short Term Assessment and Treatment Centre (STAT)
- Address: 855 West 12th Avenue (5th floor), Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
- Tel (Day Hospital): 604-875-4414
- Tel (Inpatient Unit): 604-875-4056
- Fax: 604-875-5012
- Website: www.vch.ca/Locations-Services/
The Short Term Assessment & Treatment (STAT) Centre is a specialized unit for seniors experiencing health changes that interfere with functioning and independence. Services are provided by an interdisciplinary team with a holistic approach to client-centred care.
The STAT Centre is located at Vancouver General Hospital. The STAT Centre Program is composed of a Day Hospital and an In-Patient Unit.
STAT Centre clients are provided with:
- A comprehensive medical and functional assessment
- Treatment for illness
- Strategies for coping with disabilities
- Education regarding aging and health promotion
- A therapeutic activity program
- A general rehabilitative program
- Assistance to continue living at home or to move to a residential care facility
The interdisciplinary team carries out the assessment and treatment in collaboration with the client, family physician and other health professionals. Our goal is to improve quality of life by enhancing physical and mental health, functional abilities and independence.
South Granville Seniors Centre
- Address: 1420 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver , B.C., V6H 1M8
- Tel: 604-732-0812
- Fax: 604-732-0842
- Email: info@southgranvilleseniors.ca
- Web: www.southgranvilleseniors.ca
We are a non-profit community hub for seniors located in the heart of South Granville/Fairview. We strive to foster a caring and inclusive community where seniors are connected and can find friendship and freedom from isolation. Our mission is to work together with seniors to support their well-being in ways that promote friendship, diversity, and individual worth.
We offer over 40 low-cost or free educational, recreational, social, self-care, and food security programs and services, and organize over 50 special events and outings each year. We serve over 450 members, the majority of whom are over the age of 75, single or widowed, immigrants or newcomers, live on fixed income, and are at risk of isolation and depression due to reduced social interaction. Over 100 of our senior members give back to our community by helping out as part of our volunteer team. We are also supported by over 200 community volunteers.
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
- Address: 6470 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V5P 3X7
- Tel: 604-324-6212
- Fax: 604-324-6116
- Email: svnh@southvan.org
- Web: www.southvan.org
Provides supportive services and programs for children, youth, families, and seniors. These include licensed preschool and after-school programs for children, job training for youth, day program for teens, social programs and individual support for families, parenting programs, adult daycare, employment programs, settlement programs, information and referral, meal programs, and community celebrations. Services for seniors include peer support, friendly visiting, walking club, and telephone support program. Programs for families include Nobody’s Perfect (see independent listing for East Vancouver Nobody’s Perfect Project); and Parent Support Circles, self-help groups for parents of children ages 12 and under, offered in partnership with BC Parents in Crisis Society.
Strathcona Community Centre
- Address: 601 Keefer Street, Vancouver, BC, V6A 3V8
- Tel: 604-713-1838
- Fax: 604-713-1848
- Email: strathcc@vancouver.ca
Facilities include a fitness centre, gymnasium, seniors centre, and playground. Offers Nobody’s Perfect, a six- to eight-week, free parenting program for parents with children from birth to age 5. Groups may be offered in languages other than English.
Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada
- Address: 588 East 15th Avenue, Vancouver British Columbia, V5T 2R5
- Tel: 604-681-6609
- Fax: 604-681-6692
- Web: http://www.taoist.org/
Offers Taoist Tai Chi and other health-promoting Taoist arts to the public. Helps students develop a healthy posture, enhance the flexibility and elasticity of the muscular-skeletal system, and learn how to relax. Also offers programs specifically for seniors and for people with disabilities. Volunteer-run registered charity.
Extreme Cold Response Workshop by REACH Community Health Centre
As the winter season is coming in, community members are starting to worry about being safe and warm, and start to develop the winter blues. REACH wants to help! Check out REACH’s 2022 Extreme Cold Weather Response Presentation.
More information on how to stay safe during the winter weather from the City of Vancouver can be found here.